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​Pendleton County Sheriff's Office

This site is intended to provide you, the citizens of Pendleton County, with information about property taxes, sex offenders, addresses and phone numbers to other Sheriff's Office's across the Commonwealth, among other things. We have also attempted to place other items of interest to you and our community on this site. We hope that you use this site often, your comments and suggestions would be appreciated.​


  • ​Deputy Sheriff (Lateral and New Recruit)
  • School Resource Officer

Click on the link below to download an Application for Employment.  Please return the completed application, along with a resume and any pertinent training certificates, to our office at 202 Chapel Street, Falmouth, KY.

Application for Employment.pdf


Vehicle Inspections are performed at our office, Monday-Friday, 8:30am-3:30pm. 

Required Items:

You will need to bring the following to your vehicle inspection:

  • $15 - cash, check or credit/debit card (Note: Credit/Debit transactions are subject to a convenience fee paid by the cardholder.  The Sheriff does not receive any type of fee or commission for these transactions.) 
  • Your valid U.S. State issued driver's license
  • Your original vehicle Title
    • If moving from out of state, some states are lien holder states. This means the lien holder typically keeps the title until the lien is removed. However, if you call them to let them know you have moved out of state and Kentucky requires the Title for transfer, they will release the title with a notation of the lien listed and will send it to the County Clerk's Office, where you can obtain it for inspection.
  • Your vehicle (We ask that you park in the Sheriff's Office parking lot adjacent to our building designated as parking for Sheriff's Business.)
  • Offsite Inspections: For individuals or businesses, a deputy can come to you, but there will be an additional trip fee of $20 for offsite inspections. Deputies most often times do not carry change, so exact change is best. 

What Will Be Inspected:

The Sheriff Deputy or Certified Inspector will inspect the following:

  • The vehicle identification number (VIN) and compare it with the number on the Title or Certificate of Origin
  • The vehicle's mileage, as recorded on a Kentucky Application for Certificate of Title/Registration Form​
  • The inspector may also check the vehicle for all safety features, including: brake lights, glass, horn, lights, turn signals, wiper.
  • ​You must take this completed form to the County Clerk to obtain your Kentucky license plate.


  • For new applicants: 
    • ​Completed the Application Form
    • ​Two forms of payment: $40 check payable to Kentucky State Treasurer, $20 payable to Pendleton County Sheriff, 
    • Printed photo (can be taken at our office for a $5 fee)
    • Use of Force form
  • To renew in person:
    • Renewal form
    • Two forms of payment: $40 check payable to Kentucky State Treasurer, $20 payable to Pendleton County Sheriff, 
    • Printed photo (can be taken at our office for a $5 fee)
    •  *If it is a late renewal, the check to the Kentucky State Treasurer should be made out for $55, rather than the original $40.)
  • FAQ: What if I lost my CCDW renewal form? You will need to contact CCDW and simply advise them of your missing form, at that time they will generate a new one and mail it to the address listed on the CCDW. (502)227-8700.
